  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


  • IGetCommentsArg




commentBoardId: string

Optional excludeDeletedCommentWithNoReplies

excludeDeletedCommentWithNoReplies?: boolean

true excludes all the comments which are deleted and have 0 replies, and update reply count.

Optional isReported

isReported?: boolean

Optional isReported that filters comments based on is_reported. true returns only reported comments and false returns comments that have either not been reported or have had all reports dismissed.

Optional repliedSince

repliedSince?: string

Add repliedSince to get comments which have replies since mentioned date. It should be in ISO format eg: 2023-08-22T14:30:45.123Z The comment will be included if the created_at property of a reply comment matches the value provided at repliedSince.

Optional repliedUntil

repliedUntil?: string

Add repliedUntil to get comments which have replies until mentioned date. It should be in ISO format eg: 2023-08-22T14:30:45.123Z The comment will be excluded if the created_at property of a reply comment matches the value provided at repliedUntil.

Optional since

since?: string

Add since to get comments since mentioned date until today. It should be in ISO format eg: 2023-08-22T14:30:45.123Z The comment will be included if the created_at property of a comment matches the value provided at since.

Optional sorting

sorting?: CommentSort

sorting returns sorted comments CommentSort.OLDEST sorts comments from oldest to newest CommentSort.NEWEST sorts comments from newest to oldest CommentSort.OLDEST_REPLIES sorts comments based on replies from oldest to newest CommentSort.NEWEST_REPLIES sorts comments based on replies from newest to oldest

Optional topLevel

topLevel?: boolean

true returns top level comments without replies false returns all the comments together including replies

Optional until

until?: string

Add until to get comments until mentioned date. It should be in ISO format eg: 2023-08-22T14:30:45.123Z The comment will be excluded if the created_at property of a comment matches the value provided at until.


  • Namespace
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Type alias
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Property
  • Enumeration

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