Adds a listener to a chatroom that calls passed callback function when event fires.
args of type IChatRoomAddMemberArgs
Add a program listener to get program updates including widgets published from produce suite
Add a widget listener
Claim prediction widget reward for the prediction submitted by the user. This could be used when prediction followup widget is published/rendered
Creates user profile. If no nickname argument is passed, a random nickname will be generated.
Optional nickname
Create widget impression used for analytics purposes for eg: analyse how many total users a given widget has reached
Create a widget interaction
paginated response with results as an array of chat room details
paginated response with results as an array of IGif
getMessageCount Returns number of messages in chat room
getMessageList Returns array of message objects
Converts ISO8601 format duration into milliseconds (PYYYYMMDDThhmmss) Example of duration - P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S
Time duration in ISO8601 format
duration in milliseconds
Get list of widgets that have already been posted.
userProfile ID
Gets profile relationship detail from relationshipId.
paginated response with results as an array of IStickerPack
Gets userProfile from accessToken.
Get a widget based on widget kind and widget id
Get widget interactions based on programId, widgetId & widgetKind
Get collection of widget interactions based on interaction url or an array of widget id or an array of widget kinds
Removes listener from chatroom
Remove a program listenerFn
Remove widget listener
sendCustomMessage Send custom message to chat room.
sendMessage Send user message to chat room.
a string representing the Chat Room Id
Updates profile by accessToken with optional changed nickname or custom_data.
userProfile access_token
Data saved to profile's custom_data property
The nickname to update the userProfile
Update a widget interaction
Generated using TypeDoc
Add listener for the given ChatRoomEvent, pass options based on the events